Congratulations! Prof. Weiyun SHI Won the Highest Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province
As reported on the official website of People’s Government of Shandong Province, according to the regulations in Reward Measures for Science and Technology Awards of Shandong Province, after the evaluation by the Evaluation Committee of the Provincial Science and Technology Awards, the approval by the Committee of the Provincial Science and Technology Awards and the review by the Department of Science and Technology of Shandong Province, the Shandong Provincial Science and Technology Awards of 2017 are published. Prof. Weiyun SHI of Shandong Eye Institute won the Highest Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province, becoming one of the two highest prize winners.
Prof. SHI, as a deputy to the National People’s Congress, the director and the secretary of the Party Committee of Shandong Eye Institute, a member of the Standing Committee of the Ophthalmology Society of Chinese Medical Association, the leader of the Corneal Group and an expert of Taishan Scholar Program of Shandong Province, has been engaged in ophthalmology for more than 30 years. In recent years, he has received many important awards such as the Outstanding Achievement Award of Chinese Ophthalmology Society, Wu Jieping Medical Research Award–Paul Janssen Pharmaceutical Research Award, the Achievement Award of American Academy of Ophthalmology. Professor SHI is one of the most representative experts in ophthalmology in mainland China.
The iris-ciliary body pathway, first proposed by Prof. SHI, is an innovative theory for corneal graft rejection. Based on this research achievement, he developed the first ocular implantable sustained-release drug with independent intellectual property in China and gained the clinical trial permission for drugs from CFDA.
Prof. SHI also made innovations in deep lamellar keratoplasty to treat keratoconus, breaking the traditional view that keratoconus can only be treated by penetrating keratoplasty. Prof. SHI also proposed an innovative theory that “different fungi have different growth patterns in the cornea” with Academician Lixin XIE, who is his supervisor, breaking the traditional view that lamellar keratoplasty cannot be used to treat fungal keratitis and achieving a long-term surgery success rate of more than 95%. The creative application of multilayer amniotic membrane transplantation by Prof. SHI is a breakthrough to the worldwide problem of treating necrotizing stromal keratitis.
Up to now, Prof. SHI has helped more than 10,000 patients with difficult corneal diseases from more than 30 provinces and cities nationwide to regain sight. Prof. SHI is one of the few ophthalmologists in China that have performed more than 10,000 difficult corneal transplantation surgeries independently.

【学习】当好模范 再立新功
当好模范 再立新功 成延忠 近一段时间,我们几位中层同志相继从管理岗位上退了下来。虽属正常,但此时,同志们所表现出的状态,使我由然而生感动和敬意。他们充满着理解,饱含着深情,又对未来充满着责任和希望。此时,引发了我许多感怀,寥寥数语与同志们分享共勉。 时间是无情的。“人生天地间,如白驹过隙,忽然而已。”同志们在岗位上一干就是十几年,二十几年。似水流年,那些事、那些人、那些场景、那些故事,仿佛就在昨日,历历在目。一切似乎还没来得及思考,日月虽依旧,眼前却已面目全非。今天,同志们到了转岗的时候,回忆青葱,心潮
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